For Businesses with a Single Listing at a Single Location

Step 1 > Visit this URL and log in to the Google Account associated with your listing:

Step 2 > Click Add User icon Users from the menu on the left sidebar.

Click Users from the menu on the left sidebar.

Step 3 > In the top right corner of the "Managers permissions" box that appears, click Add User icon (Invite new users) icon.

In the top right corner of the Managers permissions box that appears, click the Invite new users icon.

Step 4 > Type in an email address of the user you want to add. To add Sandbox Media, please use  Under "Choose a role", select Manager. Then press the INVITE button.

Enter the email address and under “Choose a role” select Manager.  Then press the Invite button.

Step 5 > Once you see the Manage permissions screen, press the DONE link.

Once you see the Manage permissions screen, press the DONE link.

Step 6 > Success! This will allow us to manage your Google My Business listing. Note that you can revoke this access at any time.